Increasing your online visibility is a must in today’s world. It is not as easy as slapping up a website before getting back into your everyday routine. Before you get started with your website, you need a plan- you need a digital marketing strategy. The online world moves fast and it is not worth have a strategy that will see you throwing money away. Below are five steps to help you get started with your digital marketing strategy.
Establish Your Website’s Goal
Spend at least one hour figuring out what you want your website visitors to do when they get to your website. Having a primary goal in place (along with smaller goals) assists your developer with the organizing the website. You may want to collect their email address, you may want them to purchase your product or you may want them to leave a review. These are a few examples of website goals.
Create an Avatar
An avatar is a mythical character. You can have fun with this one. Give them a name, an age and a job. Are they single or committed? Do they have any hobbies? The more specific you get with this the better you will be able to shape your website around your target market.
Define Your Unique Selling Position (USP)
In the past, marketers would have asked, “How are you going to differentiate?”. Go and check out your competitor’s websites. Do you have something they do not? This might be the perfect USP for you. You may want to consider offering part of this uniqueness for free as an incentive for your visitors.
Define Your Call-to-Action (CTA)
After you have your visitor’s attention through your USP, you now need to direct them on what to do next. You could get them on your email list, maybe offer them a free trial of your product or would you rather they made a purchase? Creating a large, shiny button will ensure that they do not give up on the goal because it’s too hard.
Track and Measure Your Goals
Google Analytics is seen as the leading resource to help you follow your visitor’s behavior. By analyzing your data, you may find that you need to tweak a few pages on your site. You can also perform A/B tests, you would be surprised what a slight change in words can do for your results.
You may have noticed all of your competitors have a website. If this is the motivation for you to get started there is no point in slapping up any old website – it will not be effective. Following the steps above is a great way to get started with your online digital strategy. With a great strategy, you are on the path to building a great website above and beyond the competition