Why Work with a Google Premier Partner Agency?

Looking to start your first Google Ad campaign or need help getting more out of an existing one? Then look no further than a Premier Google Partner! In this article, we’ll be explaining what a Premier Google Partner is, why they’re different from other Google Partners and most importantly, how you benefit from working with one.

What is a Premier Google Partner?

The Google Partner program is made up of advertising agencies, digital marketing professionals or any consultants that have successfully completed Google Ads certification, met the spending requirements across their managed accounts and demonstrated strong company and client growth performance. After meeting a strict set of requirements, Google may award their partners with the prestigious Premier Partner status.

The Premier status is awarded to agencies that have demonstrated Google Ad management skills and expertise over and above the requirements to maintain Partner status. Premier Partners are also required to stay up to date with the latest changes and advancements in Google Ads as well as obtain additional certifications in other areas of online marketing like; Shopping, Search, Display, Video, App and Mobile. Google Premier Partners have been recognized for maintaining a substantial portfolio of Google advertising campaigns and continuously, consistently delivering exceptional results for their clients. To date, only 3% of Google certified agencies have been awarded the Premier Partner status and The Three Marketers are proud to be included in that exclusive group of Premier Google Certified Partners.

How Does Working With a Premier Google Partner Agency Benefit Your Business?

Save Time and Money

Strictly speaking, Google makes their tools easily accessible to the general public so anyone can sign up to Google Ads and launch their first campaign. Saves money, right? Not exactly. Setting up and launching Google Ad campaigns may seem relatively easy but the truth is that there are many different ways to spend and use your budgets in Google Ads.  Not knowing exactly where they are and how to best use them is a classic example of being penny-wise but dollar foolish.

Part of the reason Google Premier Partners have been awarded their status is due to the experienced, professional, and knowledgeable staff handling their advertising campaigns. By making use of a Premier Partner like The Three Marketers, you can rest easy knowing your advertising campaign is being managed in the most cost-effective, efficient way possible. All of The Three Marketers staff are Google certified, meaning they’re specially trained to analyze the campaigns they manage and use the information gathered to make the best, informed decisions when it comes to managing your advertising campaigns.

Expedited Support

One of the perks of being a Google Premier Partner is expedited customer service. Managing your Ad campaign without a Google Premier Partner, a support issue could take days or even weeks to be resolved, meaning more wasted time and money. Working with The Three Marketers ensures any unforeseen problems or issues with your Google Ad campaign that may crop up will be taken care of as quickly as possible.

Exclusive Sneak Peeks of Upcoming Google Tools & Features

Since Premier Partner agencies are in constant contact with Google representatives, they are the first to be granted access to test Google’s new tools and products. The Three Marketers receives insider beta access to things like new advert formats, extensions, and the latest Google Ads platform, among others. These new tools and features could potentially be essential to boosting campaign performance and ultimately conversions, ultimately giving you an edge over your competitors.

Benefit from Insider Knowledge

Being a Google Premier Partner, The Three Marketers team is regularly invited to Google’s headquarters for exclusive workshops, seminars, training seminars and more. Additionally, we attend the Google Partner summit every year and are willing to share this insider knowledge with clients when working on your campaigns.

Gain an Edge on your Competition

Working with a Google Premier Partner will help you stay ahead of your competition and achieve your revenue goals faster. This is thanks to the quarterly challenges put on by Google for its Premier Partners with the goal of helping their clients grow.

Take Your Business Global

Neglecting the large, non-English speaking demographic can mean potential lost revenue. The Three Marketers recognizes this and offers translation services for your advertising keywords, ad copy and even website if necessary ensuring your company’s message gets spread as far as you need it to go.


Ready to take your business to the next level? Get in touch today and start reaping the rewards!

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Karine Kugler
Karine Kugler is an Online Marketing Expert, Premier Google Partner and founder of The Three Marketers Inc, a Calgary-based digital marketing agency that helps businesses GROW online through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Social Media Marketing (SMM).

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